An Unnamed Blog

The opinions, interests, whining and wayward fancies of an eighteen a nineteen twenty year-old Muslim living in a medley of social, religious, non-religious and political chaos that is today’s Pakistan.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Lebanon Death Toll Hits 1,300 by Robert Fisk

Lebanon Death Toll Hits 1,300

By Robert Fisk

They are digging them up by the hour, the swelling death toll of the Lebanon conflict. The American poet Carl Sandburg spoke of the dead in other wars and imagined that he was the grass under which they would be buried. "Shovel them under and let me work," he said of the dead of Ypres and Verdun. But across Lebanon, they are systematically lifting the tons of rubble of old roofs and apartment blocks and finding families below, their arms wrapped around each other in the moment of death as their homes were beaten down upon them by the Israeli air force. By last night, they had found 61 more bodies, taking the Lebanese dead of the 33-day war to almost 1,300.

In Srifa, south of the Litani river, they found 26 bodies beneath ruins which I myself stood on just three days ago. At Ainata, there were eight more bodies of civilians. A corpse was discovered beneath a collapsed four-storey house north of Tyre and, near by, the remains of a 16-year old girl, along with three children and an adult. In Khiam in eastern Lebanon, besieged by the Israelis for more than a month, the
elderly village "mukhtar" was found dead in the ruins of his home.

Not all the dead were civilians. At Kfar Shuba, dumper-
truck drivers found the bodies of four Hizbollah members. At Roueiss, however, all 13 bodies found in the wreckage of eight 10-storey buildings were civilians. They included seven children and a pregnant woman. Ten more bodies were disentangled from the rubble of the southern suburbs of Beirut - where local people claimed they could still hear the screams of neighbours trapped far below the bomb-smashed apartment blocks. The Lebanese civil defence organisation - almost as brave as the Lebanese Red Cross in trying to save lives under fire - believe at least three families may be trapped in basements deep below the wreckage.

Ignoring the dangers of unexploded ordnance, several Lebanese Shia Muslims returned to their destroyed homes to retrieve
personal belongings - including family snapshots and albums that contain the narrative of their lives - only to fall between gaps in the broken apartment blocks and plunge dozens of feet into the darkness beneath. Among the last to die only minutes before the UN ceasefire came into effect was a child who was found in her dead mother's arms in Beirut.

How many of these dead would have survived if George Bush and Tony Blair had demanded an immediate ceasefire weeks ago will never be known. But many would have had the chance of life had Western governments not regarded this dirty war as an "opportunity" to create a "new" Middle East by humbling Iran and Syria.

© 2006 Independent News and Media Limited

Sunday, August 13, 2006

So the ‘Islamic fascists’ have struck again? ( I must say that was a new one in his usual 'they-hate-our-freedoms' speech. I am sure he came up with it all by himself.)

My father thinks it’s very convenient for such a plot to be discovered just when Bush & Blair needed it the most. He thinks it’s a way to divert Western public’s attention from the atrocities committed by Israel in Lebanon. And I can it from the way such past ‘plots’ are perceived in this part of the world that what my father thinks is the general opinion of the masses in Pakistan.

Personally I am sceptical as always, just too sceptical. How can I believe these governments of U.S. and Britain when in the past they are known for following false intelligence leads, for sending people to Guantanamo without trial? And what about that recent
Forest Gate incident? But as always not one reporter in the Western News Channels is going to question that. They instead chose to speculate on the nature of the liquid bombs. And parroting about the ‘mass murder’ that had just been prevented (of course strong words like ‘mass murder’ are reserved for deeds undertaken by terrorists alone). One CNN newscaster said it was chilling the way something as ordinary as a liquid could be used as a bomb. Seems pretty familiar to me. Whip your public into a frenzy of fear, so that they eventually stop questioning you.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Fake facades and deceptive masks are dissolving away in this war for me. People, journalists on TV whom you somehow respected, are suddenly unfamiliar. I watch them with horror as they dexterously warp and fog the meaning behind the events of the war in Lebanon and Palestine. CNN, of course, I am not talking about. It’s BBC that has unhingingly (for me) transfigured itself. Israel’s barbaric invasion is being clothed with words like ‘self-defence’ and ‘retaliation’ to somehow make it less malignant or more excusable. Its losses are magnified, over-emphasized, while those in Lebanon go maddeningly under-reported. The use of illegal cluster and white phosphorus bombs is blissfully ignored. BBC wasn’t exactly the lone champion of truth in the wilderness of misleading reportage. But you always expected better from BBC. It was supposed to be different. I have taken to visiting Electronic Intifada, Counter Currents and Daily Star (a Lebanon English Daily I recently discovered) now. Its sad, painful, upsetting and … outrageous to think of the diet of misinformation being fed to the Western public and every where else around the world these channels are watched. Perfect thought control. I just get more and more of you each day Orwell.

And I am frightened. A terror holds me each day in the normalcy of my life in Lahore. The terror of watching the world, my world spiral towards the destruction of a monstrously huge black hole. I see the corpses of dead children and homeless families, waiting their fate to be pronounced by the lords of this world. And fear that more young people are going to be led towards despair, more of them will be convinced that bombing trains, buildings and themselves is the only choice despite the futility. People in the West might not perhaps understand this despair. I can only describe it in the words of John Berger who, in the foreword to Arundhati Roy’s ‘Algebra of Infinite Justice’, describes aptly seven levels of despair …

The search every morning
to find the scraps
with which to survive another day

The knowledge on waking
that in this legal wilderness
no right exist

The experience over the years
of nothing getting better
only worse

The humiliation of being able
to change almost nothing,
and of seizing upon the almost
which then leads to another impasse

The listening to a thousand promises
which pass inexorably
beside you and yours

The example of those who resist
being bombarded to dust

The weight of your own killed
a weight which closes
innocence for ever
because they are so many

But how much longer is this supposed to continue? How much longer non-Israeli, non-American, non-Western lives will count for nothing? Valueless. Trashed away to apparently save more “valuable” lives. Exterminated, without a thought, as in a computer good-guys, bad-guys war? When is anyone going to tell them that these are real people, this is real world, not a 3-D game? How much longer?

Tuesday, August 08, 2006