I forsook writing for so long, I am not even sure I can write anything at all. I have lost my capacity to hold one thought at a time and then take it to its conclusion. I think my mind is degenerating, dissolving into an uninspired mass of dumbness. Neurons splitting up, delinking. One thought suddenly halting ... it then disperses in a whoosh. Another thought takes it place, completely unconnected to the previous one, and then it leaves off too. So there is a vacant look in my eyes sometimes, a vacantness in my mind. Yes, I am becoming dumb I suppose. By why should I really fear dumbness? What is it in stupidity that frightens me? The fact that I'll fall down in my opinion? Or in others' opinions? Or the former because of the latter? Is it the human reality then? Or just my reality perhaps? Corrupted Being. Thats all that matters to us. How do we fare in the minds of others? With materialistic matteristic things and non-matteristic things. Even when all the while, we profess the fact that it doesnt. Maybe my self-esteem goes a bit higher if I see myself well reflected in other people' s eyes. Even if I know I am too hollow, too unworthy of it all. Oh, why do I not hate myself for that? But how do you escape it? Can you ever? Are we fed a constant dose of high praise on purpose? By our genes and our minds. A sense of false importance and distinctness? For the purpose of that survivalistic struggle. Makes one feel not in control of one's self. Maybe thats one of the reasons which puts sense into the idea of the presence of an Absolute Being. So that we submit our inflated egos, allow them to be dissolved. By that complete and utter submission of our selves. A complete self-abnegation of sorts. And meanwhile its the empty, empty, empty sordid self of mine. Empty. Sordid.
And I can't continue any more. I felt I had to fill these spaces with whatever came into my head. But the nonsensity is at an end here. Don't know when I'll write again..
And I can't continue any more. I felt I had to fill these spaces with whatever came into my head. But the nonsensity is at an end here. Don't know when I'll write again..
At 6:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Inteha Hoti nahi Ibteda honey Ke Baad....
I just Don't under why would someone ever feel like saying i feel shatered or scattered with my thoughts and life, that even i can't write....
At 9:11 AM,
Hira said…
That I did not say
At 7:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Then What Was it that you were trying to say?............
At 1:55 PM,
Hira said…
I basically did not give the scattered nature of my thoughts as the reason for my not writing.
At 2:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Would love to hear u more ,,,,,,,,,,, n see u write more ,,,,,,,, i just came across ur blog for the first time and i just realised ,,,,,,,,, why would sumone with this much of talent be scattered and shattered and discouraged not to write or feel like being empty and not be able to write.
keep writing ,,,,,,,,,,, pen and books are the best of friends that can never harm u or ur feelings
At 3:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Barish ki Boondein,,,,,,,,,, rim jhim rim jhim barasta pani ,,,,,,,,, Rehmat ya bayes e zehmat? What do you think? Who do you think should be hold responsible for the death of 235 deaths in the rain just the other day in karachi?
At 8:21 AM,
Hira said…
Oh, well, definitely not God.
At 1:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Efcourse not HIM. HE just can't be hold responsible for human errors.But Still who do you think is responsible for this massive destruction and devastation?
At 4:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lal Mosque ,,,,,,,,,,, What Do you think? Isn't Musharaf really the man of the moment? I personally Salute This man's Patience and the will to resolve LAL MASJID AND JAMAYE HAFSA issue peacefully and gracefully. Wow ,,,,,,,,,, thumbs up to the Man himself..........
what u think?
At 6:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
its natural to feel dumb once in a while hehehe. i am serious
we humans are the victims of 'khush fehmi' and i guess it isnt that bad. i mean who doesnt need something to boost their self esteem but having sed that, its dangerous. too much self indulgence is a no no, it can destroy you.
At 6:48 PM,
Hira said…
Yeah, you are right I suppose. Sometimes it feels like every one of our thoughts is an ego-induced chimera, so to speak. Always, always feeding your ego, an attempt to set you apart from others perhaps or a survival technique. Completely useless but sometimes you find it impossible to escape that. It makes you crazy, a bit, thinking like that.
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