So the ‘Islamic fascists’ have struck again? ( I must say that was a new one in his usual 'they-hate-our-freedoms' speech. I am sure he came up with it all by himself.)
My father thinks it’s very convenient for such a plot to be discovered just when Bush & Blair needed it the most. He thinks it’s a way to divert Western public’s attention from the atrocities committed by Israel in Lebanon. And I can it from the way such past ‘plots’ are perceived in this part of the world that what my father thinks is the general opinion of the masses in Pakistan.
Personally I am sceptical as always, just too sceptical. How can I believe these governments of U.S. and Britain when in the past they are known for following false intelligence leads, for sending people to Guantanamo without trial? And what about that recent Forest Gate incident? But as always not one reporter in the Western News Channels is going to question that. They instead chose to speculate on the nature of the liquid bombs. And parroting about the ‘mass murder’ that had just been prevented (of course strong words like ‘mass murder’ are reserved for deeds undertaken by terrorists alone). One CNN newscaster said it was chilling the way something as ordinary as a liquid could be used as a bomb. Seems pretty familiar to me. Whip your public into a frenzy of fear, so that they eventually stop questioning you.
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