An Unnamed Blog

The opinions, interests, whining and wayward fancies of an eighteen a nineteen twenty year-old Muslim living in a medley of social, religious, non-religious and political chaos that is today’s Pakistan.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Pakistani Bloggers being blocked!!!

I don't believe it ... I don't believe it at all ... yesterday my last post and recent template changes weren't coming which made me wonder. But now it is confirmed. All blogger sites have been blocked in Pakistan. They are not coming at all with my connection too. The yesterday last-post-not-coming must've been due to cookies stored in my computer. I am under absolute shock. Why in the name of God did they have to do this?
If you are having same problems check this vtunnel site out. Just type in the address and it will let you browse it. So I am not really worried about that ... the worrying thing is the ban ... the curtailing of rights has been a favourite pastime of our governments but during this government there has been, if not a total freedom, relatively more freedom given to the media than before. Now why would they ban bloggers then? Some people are saying George Bush' s arrival is behind this and the ban is here as Pakistani Bloggers out there are too critical etc. of him. But isn't it silly? Do you think the Pakistani media (with the exception of PTV) actually glorifies him all the time?

I am typing this without taking any kind of thinking-out time before and so its just a thorough rambling and a thourough in-shock critisizing. Let me go away for a while and call all the ISPs. Gosh!!!

P.S. I can't insert links at the moment( there seems to be some problem ... hope nothing to do with the ban) so I've put the main one in the heading... update: problem solved! It seems that in my absolute anger and fury I had forgotton to put '=' in the link code.

George Bush has arrived! Focusing on 'radical Islam'. Its always that isn't it? But lemme just watch and wait and see and then compare this visit with the one in India and see if there are any dissimilarites ... as they exist most of the time.

Update : BBC on the ban


  • At 3:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We Pakistani bloggers are rapidly organizing ourselves to launch a media protest against the ban. I'm sure we'll be successful. This stupidity cannot be allowed to go on any longer.

    We're organizing at the Action Group Against Blogspot Ban in Pakistan

  • At 7:43 AM, Blogger Hira said…

    Thank you for letting me know about the group ...


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