Random Rambling
Being a girl isn’t easy. Being a girl in a country, sagging under the heavy, cumbrous, merciless presence of deep-set, pernicious prejudices is suffocating. Asphyxiating. It is curious. The way these ancient prejudices work their way through a society that has become a favourable breeding ground for them (ever since I read Richard Dawkins' 'The Selfish Gene', I tend to think some things in that selfish genetic, memetic vein). Perpetuating themselves. Perpetuating their meme. Humans becoming mere unthinking programmed vessels to do their bidding. Like a cell, like the way a cell becomes a DNA-making slave-machinery. I don’t know if you sometimes see those prejudices in the faces of people you know or thought you knew to be mind-possessing, reasonable beings. But I do. People you know suddenly turn around and you see totally unrecognizable faces. As if the monstrous memes of antiquated societal biases have taken control. They direct the mouth to speak, the body to take action. For their own survival.
At 9:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was reading a blog recently about mohammed being a paedophile (which he is) in a blog called quitesimplyenglish.blogspot.com and you commented about how wrong they are but the author of the blog posted the source of all his comments but you haven't replied.
Mohammed was a paedophile and that is the end of the argument, we all know that the extremist suicide coward bombers do what they do because they believe that they will have lots of young boys serving them when they reach paradise, why do they want to do this? simple because they want to be a paedophile just like the coward mohammed. Why have you not posted back on the site that you questioned the truth of the statements about mohammed the paedophile, please do so as all muslim (paedophile) scholars will not dispute the fact.
At 4:23 PM,
Hira said…
I didn't know the blog author had replied. Thank you for letting me know.
I have replied to the thread now and you might want to check it out, if you are interested that is.
Muhammad was a paedophile and thats the end of the argument? An argument is supported by evidence, incase you didn't know that.
Suicide Bombers do not go and blow themselves up for some paedophilic, homosexual paradise. Extreme frustration impels them to. Not defending what they do. Just making you understand their situation.
Though I doubt that you'll even try to comprehend. If I am wrong please let me know.
At 11:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
regardless of the above two comments, this one is on your post - what exactly are you referring to? I understand that it's titled "Random Rambling" for a reason but there are certain reasons and circumstances that drive people randomly ramble, to put it frankly. Whatsup?
At 9:39 PM,
Hira said…
Oh … well … I am just referring to our deeply ingrained prejudices. You ought to understand being a Pakistani. Sometimes people you know react in a way that totally stuns you.
And it was just a rambling. Don't even know why I posted it.
At 9:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
its funny i never knew what a blog was and the first blog i came to was yours. "RANDOM RAMBLING" WOW i can imaging the things you go thru as far as country, religion, war, and not to leave out the fact the you are a girl living in a ruling nation. Im here in the U.S seeing the freedom that some of these girls have and its overwhelming to see the differance, well enough of my rambling. Take care and head up!
At 5:07 PM,
Hira said…
My blog is in a bit of a stalemate at the moment but thanks for dropping by.
For me I was just talking about the prejudiced thought patterns of people but I don't suffer from war& poverty and horrors of that kind and fairly free as compared to the conditions of most women in Pakistan.
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