An Unnamed Blog

The opinions, interests, whining and wayward fancies of an eighteen a nineteen twenty year-old Muslim living in a medley of social, religious, non-religious and political chaos that is today’s Pakistan.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Every single Israeli action is legitimate, no matter what. It cannot be held accountable because everything Israel does is legitimate.

The bombardments, the
illegal weaponry, the demolition of a building, housing refugees; all of it is legitimate. Some people just don’t choose to understand. Don’t choose to understand at all that it’s the terrorists they are dealing with, not normal individuals but the most vicious, the most brutal terrorists ever to grace this planet. Who will pose an "existential threat" to Israel if not instantly removed. Yes, the civilians are dying but that’s not Israel’s fault. In their vast conspiracy to mar Israel’s unstained reputation, the terrorists are using these people as human shields, so unfortunately Israel ends up taking all the blame. This of course is another testament to Hezbollah's unbounded cruelty. Some people just stubbornly refuse to understand. And though the Lebanese are full of rage at the moment, they will appreciate Israel’s sincere effort to root out terrorism once this war is over. They will eventually be grateful to Israel for then these "birth pangs" will seem to them like an insignificant ant sting compared to the ecstatic joy of seeing a New Middle East unfold before their eyes.


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